A Trusted Space
The non-profit organization All It Takes, founded by Lori Woodley and Shailene Woodley, partnered with educators from USC Rossier School of Education, PBS, and several other organizations to produce the docu-training video titled A Trusted Space. Click here to access the film.
The docu-training film includes experts in trauma-informed education weighing in to address the overwhelming anxiety and fear many have about being in school, whatever the setting. By learning about and understanding the complex issues and feelings that they and their students are coping with, teachers will be able to help redirect grief into growth by building a safe and trusted emotional space. This will ultimately create a better environment for learning and more resilient students.
All It Takes, producers of the docu-training, also created a trailer to preview. www.allittakes.org
With PBS, support materials for teachers are made available here. For a preview of the trailer, please scroll down further. USC Rossier also hosted a panel discussion on the docu-training.
A panel of experts discusses the docu-training video A Trusted Space about the state of social-emotional learning during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Access and download A Trusted Space’s 2021 report here: Building-A-Trusted-Space-Final-Report-September-2021-1