Leading Education Experts Gather to Discuss Data-Driven Student Learning with John Hattie

As schools prepared to welcome their students, educators and families back for the start of a new academic year, Center EDGE convened over 20 superintendents, 6 school of education deans, and some of the most prominent education leaders in LA for an intimate conversation on how to leverage powerful evidence to transform teacher efficacy and drive student growth. To support this important endeavor Center EDGE partnered with Corwin Publishing to bring renowned global education researcher John Hattie (Emeritus Laureate Professor at the University of Melbourne and chair of the Board of the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership) to speak at the convening. With his synthesis of more than 2100 meta-studies covering more than 400 million students, Dr. Hattie highlighted nine points from his work to set the stage for the discussion (please see clips from Dr. Hattie’s remarks below).

With Dr. Hattie’s groundbreaking Visible Learning research as a foundation, panel speakers discussed how the group could leverage the moment to bring real, tangible change to school communities, particularly around the application of research on not only what works, but what works best for driving student growth. Center EDGE was very proud to have Center Director, Alan Arkatov engage Los Angeles Unified School District Superintendent Alberto Carvalho and Los Angeles County Office of Education Superintendent Debra Duardo along with Dr. John Hattie in an interactive discussion with attendees.

This initial convening kicks off a series of working discussions that Center EDGE – in collaboration with our partner, Corwin Publishing – will offer LA area education leaders over the course of the academic year.  The outcomes of the series will seek to support educator capacity around leveraging data and evidence for driving student growth.

If you are interested in learning more about this series, contact edge@rossier.usc.edu