Frances Haugen

USC Center EDGE Convenes Frances Haugen and the USC Community on the Urgent Issue of Accountability & Transparency in Social Media

In partnership with USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism, USC Center EDGE convened a focused discussion with Frances Haugen and close to fifty faculty and students representing nine schools from across USC to discuss accountability and transparency measures in social media. The goals of the program were to:

  • Promote awareness of a shared vision for change in social media 
  • Promote interest and engagement in support of a transparent and accountable social media landscape for all users, especially the most vulnerable.
  • Begin to identify a mechanism for creating a cohort of students and faculty at USC to drive change in collaboration with Frances Haugen and a broader social movement.

The discussion was framed by Frances in the context of her professional experience and current advocacy work, including her vision for change in social media. Faculty and students then engaged in a discussion of Frances’ vision, how we have the collective power to drive change and how we can inform that change toward the social media environment we want and need, rather than the one we currently have. Plans to develop a USC program to address outcomes of the convening is in development. If you are interested in becoming involved,
