Alan Arkatov

Center EDGE moderates talk on Edible Education with Alice Waters

Center EDGE Founding Director moderates discussion on Edible Education with Alice Waters as part of the Los Angeles Business Council’s 16th Annual Sustainability Summit

The LABC Institute, the research and educational arm of the LA Business Council, organized this year’s in-person sustainability summit where experts in various sectors convened at USC’s Town and Gown on September 8th, 2022 to discuss current and emerging issues related to sustainability. Sample areas of discussion included the future of carbon-free power, water resources, and the potential of a new all-electric transportation sector. 

Center EDGE’s Founding Director, Alan Arkatov, led a discussion on Edible Education with renowned food activist, author, and chef Alice Waters. During the discussion, Alice shared how her legendary restaurant Chez Panisse was founded and how her food activism contributed to the farm-to-table movement. Additionally, Waters touched on her work with the Edible Schoolyard Project which has reached over 6,500 schools globally in the span of 25+ years. The project utilizes food from local gardens and in-kitchen classroom settings to engage students in learning about a variety of academic subjects, while addressing topics like climate change and other social issues. 

To watch the full discussion, please click on the video below.

If you are interested in learning more about the Edible Education discussion, contact